Removing Make-Up Stains Easily: Fact or Myth?
Make-up products like lipsticks, mascara, eyeliner, and primer enhance your look when a...

The Best Dishwashing Gel for Heavy-duty Cleaning
Effortless Cleaning with PUER Dishwashing Gel As you invite friends and family ove...

That’s unfair! Think about this, you bought a pristine white bed sheet or a curtain. Sp...

Hassled by tea-stain on fabrics? Here’s a magic solution!
Be it a light coloured garment or garments with a darker shades of colour, brown patch ...

Let not 'spills', spill your tales!
What’s a get-together without some fun and stories that spill over from the eventful ev...

Just a swipe & mirrors squeaky clean – no more a dream!
Mirrors show you things as they are, and therefore should be clean to reflect the truth...

Food aromas are best kept separate!
Making jams, jellies and pickles at home kept our grand-mothers and mothers busy in the...

Tackling Pet Hair In Laundry : A Comprehensive Guide For Pet Owners
Doing laundry when you have pets can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to de...

We are sure that you have witnessed the unpleasant sight of colours running off from yo...

Liquid Detergent Hacks: Tips and Tricks for a Stellar Laundry Experience
Welcome to the world of liquid detergent wonders! If you're ready to elevate your laund...

What Is Fabric Softener and What Does It Do?
Fabric conditioner or fabric softener is a commonly heard term in the laundry world. Ho...

9 Reasons to Buy Liquid Detergent
Indian households are famous for segregating their laundry into different sections – Ev...