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Home Care3 min read

Stop! These 7 Home Cleaning Mistakes Are Ruining Your Efforts

Stop! These 7 Home Cleaning Mistakes Are Ruining Your Efforts

Maintaining & cleaning your home requires a significant amount of effort. From those glass panes and appliances to messy floors, stacking laundry baskets and piling plates, the list is exhaustive. Despite all that effort, is your home truly clean? In this guide, we take you through seven common mistakes that are probably ruining your efforts.

#1 – Using the same sponge everywhere

You will be surprised to know that the sponge you use to wipe your kitchen counters and everything else is a breeding ground for bacteria. You could be transferring the same bacteria from one surface to another without even knowing. Go for clean microfiber cloths instead, and ensure you wash them after every use.

#2 – Cleaning your floors first

Understandably, you want the floors to have that streak-free shine, but if you are doing that as the first thing, you are completely wasting your efforts. As you clean other things, dust will eventually accumulate and debris will fall. Instead, make floors the last part of your cleaning process to cut down a second round of mopping.

#3 – Overusing cleaning products

It’s rather a common misconception that you need more of a cleaning product to get results. Efficacy of the product determines how well it does it does the job. No matter what you are using, always follow the label to know how much you need to get the job done. For instance, a teaspoon of PUER dishwashing gel is enough for a sink full of dishes.

#4 – Not cleaning the high-touch areas

We love to dust the furniture, wipe our appliances, and mop the floor as a part of daily household chores, but how often do you clean the high-touch points? Think of the door handles, knobs, appliance doors, kitchen sink, and other things you keep touching throughout the day. Even wiping clean once in two days is a good idea.

Deep cleaning at home

#5 – Using products with harsh chemicals

Many homeowners somehow have the belief that chemicals are essential to kill germs and bacteria. That idea is laced with misinformation. The truth is you don’t need harsh ingredients and chemicals to have a clean home. Switch to plant-based cleaning products that are safe for your family and the planet.

#6 – Not scheduling deep cleaning

Besides the areas you clean almost daily, there are parts of the house that have less footfall but also more debris, dirt, and accumulations. When was the last time you cleaned under the sofa or your appliances? Deep cleaning may be frustrating and time-consuming, but you should schedule that at least once a month.

#7 – Not caring for cleaning tools

Your home is as clean as the tools and products you select, and while each choice matters, how you keep your tools clean is just as important. Make sure you replace mop heads as often as recommended by the manufacturer, disinfect your sponges, reusable wipes, and toilet cleaning brushes frequently.

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