Be it a light coloured garment or garments with a darker shades of colour, brown patch of a tea-spill always stand out unpleasantly. As old as the stain itself, there are number of hacks that promise to remove tea stains with ease, but no hacks deliver on their promise as effectively as the newest block in the kid – PUER Liquid Detergent!
PUER liquid detergent is a completely natural liquid detergent, rich in bio-enzymes, stain actives and surfactants that works wonder in removing more than 30 types of stain. Combination of bio-enzymes and powerful stain actives are formulated in a way to hit the stains specifically and not affect the structure or the actual colours of the fabric. So, with PUER laundry liquid detergent, be assured of getting rid of any unwanted stains, especially tea stains on clothes, without altering the colour of the garment
Talking about tea-stains, act on the stain as soon as possible! Older (even by minutes) the stain, more difficult it is to remove. First and foremost, rinse the stained-area with cold water. If possible, flip the stained area inside out and rinse the back of the fabric too, so that the tea-stain gets busted off the fabric from both sides and not through the fabric.
After the initial rinse, pour a drop of PUER liquid detergent on the stain and add a drop or two of water. Now rub the stained area gently and let this detergent paste sit on the tea stain for a few minutes. If the tea-stain is old or has dried, rub the stained area with a generous dose of detergent and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. For either fresh or old tea-stain, thoroughly rinse the fabric in cold water, and voila! there’s no trace of tea-stain left.
With PUER liquid detergent, removing stains is now boast-worthy easy!