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Spotless Floors1 min read

Let your kids rock-n-roll!

Let your kids rock-n-roll!

Shut indoors, this pandemic has been the most difficult for kids. Leave alone meeting their friends in school or other activity classes, they don’t even have much options to stretch and play in the confinement of homes. Homes are now the only playground they have. When, we say playground at homes, we specifically mean the floor! Floor is the space, where children crawl, play with their toys and move around the entire day, and therefore, it is of utmost importance that the floor remains not just clean, but germ-free too!


So, here with PUER Floor Cleaner, we have a naturally-derived floor-cleaning solution, specifically formulated to ensure not just clean but safe floors too. PUER Floors Cleaner has natural humectants and is devoid of any harsh or harmful chemicals and toxins. Mopping floors with PUER Floor Cleaner promises to keep away any worry that parents might have with leaving their children crawling and rolling on the floor mopped using the regular chemical-heavy floor cleaners.


PUER Floor Cleaner also has a super-quick dry time, which means that you don’t have to keep your children away from their favorite game arena for long, after it has been mopped. Moments after the floor has been mopped, it’s dry without leaving any residual stains, thereby delivering a spic-n-span, squeaky clean floors.


Additionally, beautiful fragrance of PUER Floor Cleaner is sure to woo you along with it’s all other brilliant properties. Clean and germ-free floors for you and your children doubly guarantees a safe home for all your loved ones.