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Laundry Love2 min read

Laundry regime for blanket-covers and curtains

Laundry regime for blanket-covers and curtains

With the winter setting in, blankets make an appearance; and as we know, they don’t come alone. Along with it comes their cover, which actually takes the beating of tea spilling from bed tea or mark of lipstick or kajal from the late-night party. Well, for all these reasons, the blanket covers need to be washed more often than not.


Here, we share the most naturally powerful combo of giving blanket covers the much-needed wash. The obvious duo is a good liquid detergent and a fabric conditioner. Liquid detergent to remove the stains, and fabric conditioner to give it the required softness. For such situations, you must try the effective duo of completely natural, PUER liquid detergent and PUER fabric conditioner.


PUER liquid detergent is one of the best options for washing heavy linens like a blanket cover, because, primarily it is a water-efficient laundry detergent, which means, that first, it needs less water to foam up and, secondly, it needs less amount of water to wash odd the stains. The plant-based formulation of this liquid laundry detergent makes it rich with plant-based enzymes and natural surfactants, which delivers on its claim of removing the toughest and the oldest stain with ease.


PUER fabric conditioner is the best complimentary wash after a regular detergent wash for blanket covers. A post-wash wash in this natural fabric conditioner will ensure that the fabric of the blanket cover get the much-needed conditioning to make it cleaner, softer and even more fluffy. The anti-cling technology used in this fabric conditioner also ensure that you enjoy a more comfortable wrap inside your blanket.


 This marvelous natural duo of PUER liquid detergent and fabric conditioner is bound to make this winter a little more cozy, fun, warmer and certainly cleaner than ever. This winter treat yourself with a well-earned day off inside the blanket with not just thoroughly washed blanket-covers, but also one that can enhance your mood with beautiful fragrance of jasmine.