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Cutlery Care2 min read

Doing dishes after hosting a get-together!

Doing dishes after hosting a get-together!

Hosting a dinner for friends is fun and work in equal parts. Fun, because, we all know; but, work, because, you are the one hosting, planning, cooking and ofcourse, washing the utensils once it’s all over. While invitees can reminisce the fun they had, you are the one, who have to look into the leftovers, emptying the huge vessels in which food was cooked, washing the plates, bowls, tumblers and what not!


But, the good news is, PUER Dishwashing Gel’s got your back, and you really don’t have to miss the after-party fun worrying about cleaning the utensils. With PUER, enjoy the after-party for hours at end, because, it will take care of the dried-up food stains in the cooking utensils or plates and also remove even the strongest odor of any spices, egg or fish from them, and that too in just a spoonful or two!


PUER Dishwashing Gel has natural formulation of plant-based surfactants, which works more effectively than its chemically-laden counterparts. Natural formulation makes it safer for the user too. The plant-based enzymes and surfactants pulls off stains easily with lesser quantity of the product and even less scrubbing in comparison to the regular products available in the market. Robust-grease cutting formula in PUER Dishwashing Gel makes it easy to remove even the burnt remains of foods from the cooking utensils as well as dried-up stains of food from plates and bowls.


Powered by NEOFRESH Aroma Molecules and zesty fragrance of fresh lemon, PUER Dishwashing Gel also removes any stale or strong odor of food cooked in any utensils. Boxes filled with leftover food and stocked in the refrigerator for days leave a faint stink of the food in the boxes even after days it has been emptied and washed. With PUER Dishwashing Gel you need not worry of this anymore!


So, here’s the perfect solution to clean all the utensils and dishes, and make them shine as new, sans any odor of food, because when you have PUER in hand, even number of utensils doesn’t matter, because just a spoonful of PUER Dishwashing Gel has the power to take down an army of utensils that gather after a hearty eat-and-make-merry get-together!